Well I'll stick to Kyle and Amanda! the look so good together! unlike jessi who always wants attention and trouble! hmmm, but we can't do anything about it, since we're not the script writer! ayt guys! heheheeh well iam keeping my fingers crossed =) Amanda is becoming annoying to the story line especially in season 3 epidode 2. I think thats because his kiss with JESSI changed his outlokk. and yes kyle does say to amanda he loves her but he doesnt tell amanda he is in love with her. like the promom says KYLE AND JESSI are DESTINY.- u cant fight destiny. Kyle and jessi Are meant to be they were literally made for eachother the proof is all in season 2 how many times did they run to eachothers rescue. I completely agree har! Amanda is the only one in the show who's worthy of being with Kyle! I agree also with Annonymus 09-Jan, Love is a bond of its own, the most precious and special bond of all, and if a common thing is a must, how about the pure innocent soull both Kyle and Amanda have?! That's So Sad! Kyle is breaking up with Amanda?!?! I've just lost my desire to watch this series! This breaking up isn't even logical after all the soulmate talk! No I hope that's just a romer!! Kyle and Amanda totally made for each other. What? Kyle and Amanda's gonna break? omg. Hey hey hey you guys are all messed up i simply hated jessi i hope kyle n amanda do't break up they look really good together didn't u look at the last ep of season 2 when they levitate together? it just looks so good n amanda looks so cute n innocent i feel she's the only one on the show thats worth a good guy like kyle you don't need to fall inlove just because you have something in common(created in a test lab) haha You are right anonymous last 14 December 2008 11:47 kyle and amanda is the perfect match. i hope kyle and jessie will make it up to the very end. i'm a kyle xy lover from the philippines. Kyle and Amanda are just a big and huge mistake! Go Kessi!! I hope it's not just a road block for Kyle and Amanda and they really fall for each other. I'm happy that they are breaking up and Kyle is exploring his feelings for Jessi. They are much better match and have more chemistry than Kyle and Amanda.
Also i rewatched the first two series and on the first episode of season 1 stephen walks away from the tv as it says on the news that a girl has been washed up that has no memories so that could be the 3rd person I think that there may be another person who goes at the other side of kyle for season 4. The picture for the first and second series was kyle showing that he has no belly button and then season 3 shows kyle doing the same but with jessi at his side. She's trouble!!!!! Amanda and Kyle belong together. I think if Kyle breaks up with Amanda it will be short lived. I hope kyle don't break up with Amanda its like kyle=superman Amanda=luis if he gets along with jessi there will be no fun 2 mutants not romantic

They are amazing!Īm an avid viewer of kyle xy and i think season 3 will be a hit again. There is a new trailer for season 3 as well as a short clip from episode 1. Just a reaction: Amanda and Kyle are breaking up! Then I'd think that Episode 3, Electric Kiss, is actually hinting at a kiss between Jessi and kyle! I'm glad because Matt Dallas and Jaimie Alexander would make such a better couple!

We will complete this episode guide of Kyle XY season 3 as soon as more details are available. Kyle needs to drown his sorrows after breaking up with Amanda.Ī car accident seriously injures Nicole, and Kyle and Josh help a woman named Gretchen give birth. Kyle fears for Amanda's life after some psychic gives him a strong warning. Here below an episode list of Kyle XY Season 3:Īfter Amanda's abduction in the cliffhanger episode of Kyle XY Season 2 finale, Kyle plots to rescue her from Latnok's clutches with the help of Jessi.